Cool tool for the hardcore coffee geek!
Anthony T.
I’m very happy with my Brewler! It’s a unique product, and for some… may seem unnecessary, but…..if you’re a “coffee geek” as I am….you find this product to be invaluable ! Great product. Well made.
Cory H.
Used the Brewler to dial in an unfamiliar grinder at my folks' house for the holidays. Very helpful measuring implement and quite portable!
Emanuel H.
Very helpful in seeing the size of the grounds and using that visual aid to help with brew recipes. Great job!
Mitchell M.
Clear and easy to use. Helped me dial in my grinder for various brewing methods!
barry a.
Bought to find our why my grinder settings were off. Found grind size way too coarse, calibrated grinder, size perfect, brew time more as expected and taste significantly improved.
David R.
I have always had difficulty translating the text and visuals of various sources concerning grind sizes of different coffee beans and roast depth characteristics. I purchase green coffee, roast it at home and more or less "guess" by trial until the results cup to my expectations. This device, of very high precision, has made measuring and recording the finished results for repeatability much easier. I don't have to take pictures and record enlargement/lighting/staging setup information for comparison analysis anymore. Now I just look at color and Brewler size grid!
Thomas M.
Smaller than I expected, but convenient to tuck beside the grinder. The magnetic grind guide is handy, too.
Really handy for dialing in a brewing method, and sharing with friends.
David L.
Even though I wouldn't describe myself as a full-on coffee freak, the Brewler is a helpful tool. With it, I can objectively compare the difference between one coffee and another at the same grind setting. I can also see clearly how inconsistent my home grinder is in comparison to the professional grinder of our local roaster. The knowledge gained from the Brewler guides me to refine the grind setting and recipe I use.
The Brewler is a simple tool that makes communicating coffee brewing recipes much more accurate by quantifying grind levels. The Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion table is handy as well.
Expected metal to be thicker. Quite flimsy for the price.
Aaron M.
I love the Brewler! Helps me get my grinds dialed in and at a closer starting point, and has a handy C° to F° conversion chart on it, super helpful!!
Lisa H.
So... I used the Brewler *before* I looked at the videos. Instead of liniing up the the holes with the grounds, I actually put the grounds on the brewler, swiping them right until they started falling through the holes. Whoops. LOL But it still worked! The nerd in me is so happy to have a definitive number to use. much easier than comparing it to salt or sand. Thanks!
marianne t.
It works as expected. Love the features.
coskun d.
great little tool.
Cassandra B.
The Kruve Brewler is an ingenious product, simple and satisfying to use. I first bought one in 2020, and loved it so much that when I opened my own coffee business, it became an essential item in our employee onboarding packet. Now I buy one for everyone who works for us. I also love that Kruve has supplied the community with free educational printables like some straight-up Gs. Y'all are so awesome that it compelled me to not ignore your prompt for a review, so that says a lot right there. <3
David M.
Really nice to have a reference to compare grinds with different grinders and online recipes.
Vishnevskiy O.
Amazing device for coffee lovers and professionals.
Thank you, Kruve
Your coffee journalists team
jonathan U.
Great idea! Quick to use. Why not take a little step and maximize what you can get out of a quality coffee! I must admit though it makes me want a sifter…
Bryant T.
The Brewler is such an amazing and helpful guide for me to identify the grounds of my coffee for each brewing method. Previously, I was basing it simply on taste because the guides online were difficult to understand because of the inconsistent terminology. However, with the Brewler, I can now reference my grounds to a guide that helps me to understand coffee better. Recommend it to all coffee enthusiasts!
Otacilio R.
Nice place to buy
Metal is a little thin but they handle that by shipping in more rigid material. Has great metrics on it for knowing grind size. Also comes with a nice fridge magnet showing grind size and brew type
Super fast and very nice product and boxing
Lynda R.
Very helpful tool when you need to get the right grind size for different recipes. Easy to use as well!
Gus M.
I'm impressed with the quality and design of it
Shirley A.
Nice to use if not sure of grind size.
Robert B.
Just helps to see a range of particular brew type. Lost a previous so this is a second one that works with the Kruve swifter.
Ed R.
Hi. The Brewler has helped me create a great grind from whatever grinder I have available at the time. It is amazing to me how helpful it is, and takes away much of the guesswork and inexactness of making a great cup/pot of coffee. Even when using moderately expensive grinders it really makes a difference having a "standard" to evaluate my grind by. Lovely product. Glad it is in my toolkit!